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Food Pack Asia 2017

03/02/2017 - 03/05/2017
Food Pack Asia 2017 is the most comprehensive platform to serve the needs of Thailand and ASEAN's food and packaging industry. You will discover the latest food machinery and innovative packaging equipment at the event.
In addition to an innovation technology, there will be series of workshops, seminars and conferences for industry professionals to learn the latest market trends, industry standards as well as advances in technology. Both exhibitors and visitors can enjoy participating in business activities, such as, business matching, industry clinic and food forum.
Show Profile Food Processing Machinery
Showcasing machinery and equipment used for food industry.
Drink Technology
The dedicated zone for new drink machinery and technology.
Packaging Technology
Featuring full range of packaging machinery and equipment, packaging materials and latest packaging innovations and technology.
Hotel & Restaurant Equipment
Showcasing hotel & restaurant equipment and supplies, kitchen equipment, catering equipment and hospitality services
Confectionery Machinery and Bakery Equipment
Showcasing new confectionery machinery and bakery equipment.
Food & Beverage
Showcasing various kinds of bakery products, frozen food, canned and processed food, sea food, ready to eat, snack food, organic food, non alcoholic beverage , wine & spirit
Show Dates 03/02/2017 - 03/05/2017
Hours 10.00 a.m. - 07.00 p.m.
Venue Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre
Location Thailand
Organized By
Digiview Advetising Group Co.,Ltd.
Phone 66-29679999
Fax 66-29373311