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Expoartesanias 2012

12/07/2012 - 12/19/2012
Corferias Bogota
During Expoartesanias, Corferias becomes the place to find the best of colombian Indian culture and heritage through traditional and contemporary products made from natural raw materials such as fibers, threads, wood, silver, gold, clay, ceramic and stone, among others.
Show Profile Artisans and others who can prove that they work in the sector of artistry can participate in Expoartesanias. All individuals, both national and international, who aspire to be a part of this fair must comply with the selection and evaluation processes. This does not exclude members who have already participated in previous events organized by Artesanias de Colombia or CORFERIAS.
Show Dates 12/07/2012 - 12/19/2012
Hours 10:00am - 8:00pm
Exhibition Scale 151,460 sqm (1,630,302 sqf)
Venue Corferias Bogota
Location Colombia
Event Cycle Annually 
SNS Channel
Organized By
Phone 57-1-381-0000